This is the story of a special kindness that my mother (Joy Miller), probably in her late 60s, did for her brother, who was just slightly younger.
One day when I was home for the Christmas holidays my mother made up a small batch of Egg Butter. Now we had never had Egg Butter and she wasn't offering us any that day either. She put the entire batch in a jar and took it as a gift to Uncle Maynard. She said their mother (Margaret Ridlen) had made Egg Butter for them when they were children and she remembered it fondly and knew Uncle Maynard would too. It was a gift of remembrance, of intimate family connection, and it touched me then and does so still.
- Mary Bryan
Egg Butter
Joy Miller's handwriting. Margaret Ridlen's recipe. |
1 cup sorghum (boil)
3 or 4 eggs
shake of cinnamon
Beat eggs until they get real light.
In a saucepan bring sorghum to a boil.
Stir eggs into boiling sorghum.
Set on stove and boil stirring constantly until thick.
To finish add a sprinkle of cinnamon.